Shiva is shakti or power, Shiva is the destroyer, the most powerful god of the Hindu pantheon and one of the godhead's in the Hindu Trinity. Known by many names - Mahadeva, Mahayogi, Pashupati, Nataraja, Bhairava, Vishwanath, Bhava, Bhole Nath - Lord Shiva is perhaps the most complex of Hindu deities. Hindus recognize this by putting his shrine in the temple separate from those of other deities.
Application Contains:-
1) Shiva Tandava Stotram to read in English and Hindi language
2) Gallery Having the most beautiful photos of Lord Shiva
3) Shiva Tandava Stotram to listen
4) Having 1008 names of Lord Shiva
5) User can search Lord Shiva temples on map with there city name
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湿婆是沙克蒂或电源,湿婆是毁灭,印度教万神殿的最强大的神的神格的在印度教的三位一体之一。 Mahadeva,Mahayogi,伯舒伯蒂,塔罗闍,Bhairava,纳特,巴瓦,Bhole纳特 - - 湿婆神,也许是印度教神的最复杂的已知的许多名字。印度人认识到这一点把他的神社寺庙单独与其他神灵。
应用程序包含: -
1)湿婆Tandava Stotram读英文和印地文语
3)湿婆Tandava Stotram听